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Fabric properties

Fabric properties

A quick starter activity whereby students are given x5 fabric swatches labelled A-E and they have to evaluate and describe the properties of the fabric. The two documents are printed double sided onto A5 card and placed into an envelope with the fabric swatches.
Apron Design - Cover Lesson - Textiles

Apron Design - Cover Lesson - Textiles

A great visual resource to support a simple design task for a double cover lesson. The task can be completed on the double sided word document which is also attached. There are some research questions on the front to get the students thinking about ideas. *please note our students are allowed to use their phones for research tasks. Some questions may not work without access to the Internet, so you may want to amend it. On the front there is a simple apron template for them to draw their design into. As an extension students could annotate their design with how it could be manufactured. Or they could go on to design an accompanying oven glove or tea towel? This task is aimed at Year 7 textiles, however it can be used for a RM or food lesson.
WJEC Design Technology Push and Market Pull

WJEC Design Technology Push and Market Pull

A presentation which supports a double textiles lesson, linked to the WJEC Fashion and Textiles specification. The lesson content covers the topic of Technology Push and Market Pull from the Core Theory 2.1.1. The presentation is supported with a booklet which you can find on my TES page.
KS3 Food Senses Word Bank

KS3 Food Senses Word Bank

A word bank which I have created for my ‘ALN’ groups workbooks. It saves displaying them on the board and I use it to help develop their oracy skills - talk like a food critic.